Families12/2022 Joyful Together- Power of Play & Fun Newsletter
Joyful Black boy doing arts and crafts with colorful paint on his hands and arms.

12/2022 Joyful Together- Power of Play & Fun Newsletter

About Our Newsletters?

Each month the Institute of Family and Community Impact, an OhioGuidestone initiative releases research Newsletters to explore our innovations closely. We want to communicate our projects, innovations, and other happenings while strengthening our relationship with the community in an accessible manner. Read the December Newsletter that closely explores Joyful Together and its’ innovative use of the power of play to combat adverse childhood experiences!

About Our Joyful Together-Power of Play & Fun Newsletter:

Joyful Together logo with registered trademark symbol and tagline "strengthen relationships through laughter & play"

Joyful Together, our evidence-based program that limits toxic stress in children while enhancing childhood resiliency and adding positive childhood experiences has proven success in our Ohio communities. This success has taken on many different variations ranging from strengthening parent-caregiver relationships to positively impacting early childhood educators and pediatricians. We explore the Joyful Together process, the power of play & fun, and a deep look into our Joyful Together Ohio Children’s Trust Fund (OCTF) 2021-2022 project.

Sneak-peek inside:

  • Research Railroad: Meet the Research Assistant crew and find out what we have been up to!
  • Community Resources: We work with the communities we serve! In each Newsletter release find some resources that might be of help to you!
  • Understand more about Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Our Joyful Together program has been proven to reduce toxic stress and adverse childhood experiences through the power of play! In this release we explore stress and early brain growth and break it down into digestible facts!
  • Read along with us: Each newsletter release will contain a reading corner! In this corner you can find articles related to the innovation explored. This month read our recommendations that align with Joyful Together!
Asian mom and son hugging and playing with each other with big smiles on their faces.

Support Our Vision by Learning Our Purpose & Motivation

We at IFCI envision science and evidence-driven decision making by people, programs, and policy makers that contribute to communities full of resilient and healthy children, families and adults with limited adversity and abundant positive and benevolent experiences. Click here for all OhioGuidestone donation options. Donating to “IFCI” or “Institute of Family & Community Impact” directly supports Joyful Together and other innovations.

Check Out More From OhioGuidestone

Learn more about OhioGuidestone’s community-based services and programs, especially for early childhood mental health (ECMH) , school based therapy, and family counseling.


We want to hear from YOU! Contact us with your suggestions and feedback on our Newsletter releases! Stay tuned to see your suggestions in future editions!

Headshot of Payten Kleinhenz, Institute Research Analyst
Former Research Analyst at OhioGuidestone IFCI | + posts

Payten Kleinhenz B.S., CDCA is a Behavioral Health Specialist IV at OhioGuidestone. As a former Research Analyst at the Institute of Family and Community Impact, she helped lead applied clinical science & research communications. She authored department written content such as newsletters and reports, social media posts, and articles by prioritizing evidence-based, research-backed writing and reader accessibility. She also managed research data through data collection, entry and storage. Payten graduated with a B.S. in Sociology from Western Carolina University in May 2022. Her sociological background drives her passion for dismantling systemic and structural barriers. Payten’s primary research and professional areas of interests include substance use disorders, and family/social ties in the context of power relations and structures.