Our Motivation, Vision, and Purpose
The Institute of Family & Community Impact is OhioGuidestone’s center of excellence for research, clinical training and innovation, and advocacy. Below we explore our motivation, vision, and purpose (MVP)! IFCI’s MVP serves to transform and transcend barriers facing our communities and individuals.
Motivation (M)
We advocate for the enhancement and empowerment of communities and individuals across the lifespan through innovation, research and evaluation, and professional training and development.
Vision (V)
We envision science and evidence-driven decision making by people, programs and policy makers that contribute to communities full of resilient and healthy children, families and adults with limited adversity and abundant positive experiences.
Purpose (P)
Our purpose here at the Institute or IFCI is to spread OhioGuidestone’s impact on whole person health by leveraging innovation, research and advocacy to empower families and communities, and equip professionals.
Our MVP In Practice
For several years, IFCI has hosted a special fatherhood appreciation month event to raise awareness on the importance of fathers (and father-figures) on a child and family’s health and well-being. With funding and support from community partners such as the Ohio Commission on Fatherhood, we host events like basketball skills day with dozens of fathers and their young children. Every kid receives their own basketball, and each father receives a special ‘dad summer safety’ kit to enrich father-child time and increase dad’s self-efficiency to keep their child safe while having tons of fun together. The event is in high demand every year, with a long waitlist- along with many requests of dads and kids asking: “when is the next one?”
Stay up to date on our events and be on the lookout for our KCK Blog that offers tips and tricks for safe, non-toxic skin and hair care for dads caring for young children. Follow us on LinkedIn or Facebook to keep up with new articles, activities (and pictures!) from our family and community events.