05/2023 JT-ECE Newsletter- Inspiring Teacher-Child Interaction Opportunities
About Our Newsletters OhioGuidestone’s Institute of Family and Community Impact is all about helping to make school even more enJOYable! Each month the Institute of Family and Community Impact, an […]
Breaking News: Joyful Together ECE Named ‘Frontier of Innovation’ by Harvard University
Joyful Together ECE, Our First Frontier of Innovation: Our Joyful Together ECE (Early Care & Education) pilot study recently was selected as a “Frontier of Innovation” by the Center on […]
Dear College Students, Never Forget Student Mental Health Comes 1st.
Dear Students, In the midst of the hustle of life, juggling sports, work, hobbies, grades, and relationships (while also just trying to get by), student mental health can often take […]
Joyful Together®: Preventing Childhood Toxic Stress – 03/2019 Position Paper
Joyful Together®: Preventing Childhood Toxic Stress Position Paper Summary: Toxic stress occurs as a response to prolonged, adverse experiences without adequate adult support that impairs brain development and functioning. The […]