3-Layered Mental Health Stigma – A Proven Barrier to SUD Treatment
First, What is Mental Health Stigma? Stigma refers to a negative social attitude linked to specific characteristic(s) of an individual, which are seen as shortcomings in mental, physical, or social aspects. Mental health stigma involves disapproval of characteristics related to o
Social Drivers of Mental Health: Article Summary & 7 Important Recommendations
What are Scientific Summaries? At the Institute of Family and Community Impact we are committed to reading and sharing literature on topics pertaining to the health of our families and communities in our website content and on our social media pages. Today, we are summarizing and
Addressing the Ohio Health Crisis – Our Response to the 2024 HPIO Dashboard
Why are We Writing this Ohio Health Dashboard Breakdown & Response? At the Institute of Family and Community Impact, we take action for community and family health. This includes advocating for policies that improve the overall health and well-being of everyone we serve. Firs
2023 Annual Report- Successful Project Outcomes
About our 2023 Annual Report: Welcome to our 2023 annual impact report! In our annual report, you will discover a comprehensive overview of the transformative work we have been doing. Dive into data, and insights that showcase the innovation we are driving, and the lives we are c
12/2022 Father’s Feelings Newsletter- Statewide Project Results & Significance
About Our Newsletters Each month the Institute of Family and Community Impact, an OhioGuidestone initiative releases research Newsletters to explore our innovations closely. We want to communicate our projects, innovations, and other happenings while strengthening our relationshi
Inspiring Joy- 2020 Joyful Together® Highlights
During the past year, Joyful Together® has grown and thrived. This model developed by OhioGuidestone’s Institute of Family & Community Impact (IFCI) infuses play and joy into everyday moments. Despite the struggles of 2020 and 2021, we have seen families and caregivers emb
Danger of Misusing Prevention Data- 06/2021 Position Paper
06/2021 Misusing Prevention Data Position Paper Summary: Behavioral health screenings, such as for adverse childhood experiences, are important data for identifying individuals and communities at risk of long-term ill health effects. However, without a framework that center
Prevent Harm: Toxic Stress, Racism & Poverty 03/2021 Position Paper
About the Preventing Harm: Toxic Stress, Racism & Poverty Position Paper Racism and poverty are two major drivers of toxic stress, which harms families and communities across the United States. This stress can lead to a large number of adverse health effects and outcomes, par
Childhood Lead Poisoning: Defying Long-Term Consequences with Behavioral Health Referrals- 06/2020 Position Paper
Childhood Lead Poisoning Position Paper Summary: Childhood lead poisoning has remained a longstanding issue in specific Ohio neighborhoods for decades. This problem predominantly affects socially designated “at-risk” groups such as African-American children, kids from
Telehealth in Mental Healthcare: How Effective is it?- 06/2020 Position Paper
Telehealth Position Paper Summary: In March 2020, health agencies coordinated with government officials throughout the U.S. to offer telehealth services during the COVID-19 pandemic. For mental health providers such as OhioGuidestone, this offers an opportunity to evaluate our se